Get Your Kids To Their Chores With Goodie Goodie

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Disclosure: this is a compensated post.

There is a new App that has launched, and it gets your kids excited about doing chores.


Goodie Goodie is a app where parent can create g-missions and when kids complete they earn points. The points get them gift cards and other prizes. It’s a win win for parents and kids.

This video shows all about how it works.

I have been using and talking to my kids about the app and how it works. They are so excited about getting things done, whether it be chores or homework. Since they know they will get rewarded.


Parets when you sign up you will be asked for your Credit card info and when kids earn enough points, they can cash them in for a gift card, that the parents have bought. It’s just like a allowance but makes it fun by watching their candy bag fill up.

You can download the Goodie Goodie app on iTunes

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One thought on “Get Your Kids To Their Chores With Goodie Goodie

  1. This is such a good idea! I will have to tell my daughter about this so she can download this app for my grandsons. They are finally at the age where they can really start doing chores around the house.

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