Amazon Studios Presents Tumble Leaf #MC #Sponsored

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Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Amazon Studios. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and promotional item to thank me for participating.

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Amazon Studios was launched in 2010 as a way to view films and program series. It works in 2 ways.

  • Amazon Studios is an open door for creators. There are a lot of great ideas inHollywood, but not everyone can be there or get their work into the right hands.Amazon Studios is open to ideas from around the world. We are proud to haverecognized talented writers and filmmakers in the US, Canada, the UK, China,Zimbabwe, the Dominican Republic and other countries. Great ideas are out there.
  • Amazon Studios invites the audience in early. Amazon Studios seeks feedback aboutprojects and ideas, even in their earliest stages. And to reach the most people, we try toshape stories into a form that is short, or visual, or both. We will test premises,storyboards, posters, videos, test movies, pilots, promos, and other formats to see what people think.

They are launching a new pre-school series just for kids.

The series is called Tumble Leaf! Each episode will feature Fig, a blue fox who lives in a shipwrecked schooner ship by the sea. Fig is accompanied by his best friend Stick, a caterpillar who lives in a basket strapped to Fig’s forearm. Together they discover friendship, adventure and love all around.

The series will teach valuable lessons:

  • Learning to count
  • Value of Friendship
  • and so much more

The series will launch on Amazon Prime Instant Video on May 23, 2014

*** The series is so cute and informative. My kids really enjoyed it, although I think it is more for the younger crowd. The animation is great, but it is a little similar to other animation.

You can watch the pilot episode for Tumble Leaf and other Amazon series here.

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