Sweetie’s Candy Cottage Spooky Essay Winners

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Every year my kids enter a essay contest that Sweetie’s Candy Cottage here in Huntington Ny holds every year. It’ a great way to get the kids writing and spark their creativity.

for the past two years all 3 did not win. It was a bit of a disappointment because they put so much thought into the stories.

This year we entered again with high hopes, as they spent weeks on their stories.

We got the call that someone won. The kids were in my fee waiting to hear the results. As I called back to see who had won, I received the news that 2 of my kids from different age groups were the Sweetie’s Candy Cottage Spooky Essay winners . How exciting!

My middle daughter who did not win instantly burst into tears, but became a good sport and congratulated her siblings.

Hard work pays off. They both won a $15 gift certificate.


Have your kids ever won anything? This was our first.

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One thought on “Sweetie’s Candy Cottage Spooky Essay Winners

  1. Congrats!!! Writing is tough and thats a nice little prize. For your middle girl, you tried hard, and I know it is frustrating, but keep trying! You wrote something that was all yours, and just consider it practice, I am sure your brother and sister will share with you 🙂

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