Holiday: Get in the Spirit with DohVinci #HGG14

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for my review.

DohVinci is the newest craze from Hasbro. From the makers of play-doh, DohVinci is a 3-d design kit for kids.


I received the DohVinci Deluxe Styler tool to share with my kids. The deluxe styler tool come with 4 different design tp, to help you create the perfect design. Design tips include a star, heart, flower, and butterfly. Plus with the styler tool you get 3 deco pop colors.

My kids have been wanting DohVinci since I showed them pictures rom Toy Fair. They love Play-doh, but it’s to messy and they rarely ever get to play with it.
DohVinci is Play-doh made easy, as it is in a tube. It comes out through the slyer gun for easy designs, and litte clean up. The DohVinci compound will dry overnight, and you should be able to hang your picture on the wall. My daughter just loves it.



Some downsides to DohVinci: The Deco Pop tubes are very small, and my kids went through them in less than a hour. We also noticed that the designs we made started to crumble after a week, not to bad though.

You can see the different crafts and products at

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2 thoughts on “Holiday: Get in the Spirit with DohVinci #HGG14

  1. Thats very different! I would think there would have to be some clever way to get those tubes refilled 🙂 I can see why the kids would like it- it is small enough they could hold it easyily .

  2. This looks like a lot of fun to use. It’s too bad the creations don’t last longer, but I guess that just makes room for the new ones they make 🙂

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