2014 Hess Toy Truck Review #HGG14

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was received by Hess. All opinions are 100% my own.


Hess has released their 2014 Hess Toy Truck. This year marks the 50th year and the design is a Hess Truck with Cruiser and Scout. They also released a limited edition tanker, which sold out and no longer available.


The Hess Toy Truck with Cruiser and Scout has a flatbed truck with lift to launch the cruiser. The cruiser has a compartment to keep the scout. All the vehicles light up and the truck and cruiser light up and also feature different sounds.



The 2014 Hess Truck is only available for a little while longer. Order yours today here for $29.99 includes batteries and shipping.

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2 thoughts on “2014 Hess Toy Truck Review #HGG14

  1. My grandsons would love this, especially the flat bed truck! They spend their days on the floor rolling vehicles around and would be in heaven with this!

  2. Very cool truck for sure! Hess makes some really nice toys that last a long time. I like how this one has 2 pieces and I like how it is space related .

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