Holiday: Shopkins Are A Holiday Hit #HGG14

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Product was received, all opinions are my own.


Shopkins are the super cute, fun, small characters that live in a BIG shopping world! Shopkins Are A Holiday hit for 2014, and my kids want to collect them all.

We received a Shopkins Mall Play Set to try out for the holidays. My kids have been collecting Shopkins for weeks so adding the play set just overjoyed them. You can put the Shopkins through a actual checkout and bag them.


The ply set even comes with a small shopping cart, it’s my sons favorite item in the pay set. He puts all his Shopkins in it and pushes them around.



I am learning all about the world of Shopkins and that all the Shopkins come in categories, common, rare, ultra rare etc. So my kids are on the hunt for the ones that are hard to find.

Moose Toys has just started releasing Season 2 of the Shopkins series, so now we are on the hunt for those that include all new characters.

To learn more about Shopkins, watch episodes and see the characters visit

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