Win a 6 Month Subscription To PlayKids Plus a Calliou Doll1/20

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Disclosure: No compensation was received. Information and giveaway is being handled by Playkids.

PlayKids is a mobile and tablet entertainment platform packed with entertaining and age-appropriate videos, eBooks, games and lullabies specifically for children aged five and under. PlayKids is a trusted source for parents, easing concerns about their kids watching content online. The PlayKids app provides popular, suitable programming for young children that are both entertaining and educational. Because it allows for offline viewing, parents can save on data usage while taking PlayKids wherever they go.



I am giving away a 6 months subscription to the PlayKids App and a Calliou Doll (pictured below).


To enter: Tell me one thing you like about the PlayKids App.

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Contest closes 1/20/15

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One thought on “Win a 6 Month Subscription To PlayKids Plus a Calliou Doll1/20

  1. That I can use without the internet once I have downloaded content

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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