Show Your Loved One You Care With Build A Bear Workshop Giveaway Closed

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided.

Build A Bear Workshop is unveiling some new furry friends just in time for Valentines Day. Some of the new firry friends include Monkeys, Huggable Hearts Puppy and Kitty, Camo bears and much more.


While you are visiting Build a Bear Workshop you can also “Share Your Heart” by making a donation to the Make a Wish Foundation. From now through March 31, 2015, guests visiting any Build-A-Bear store who make a donation of $1.00 or more can have the opportunity to purchase a satin heart to benefit Make-A-Wish. Each time guests make a donation, they will be asked to sign a Valentine greeting for a child in a local hospital. One-hundred percent of the donations and funds from satin hearts collected will benefit Make-A-Wish.

Who’s excited about Valentines Day? Who wants to give their loved one a cute puppy?

I am giving away this cute little guy to one lucky No Time Mommy reader.


To enter to win visit Build A Bear Workshop and tell me one animal you would love?

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Contest ends 2/20/14

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179 thoughts on “Show Your Loved One You Care With Build A Bear Workshop Giveaway Closed

  1. My daughter loves pink and hearts! So the Huggable Hearts Kitty would be perfect. She also loves anything My Little Pony.

  2. I posted the http on my FB page since the FB share button to this link wasn’t working. I am not sure how to show you since my FB isn’t open to everyone.

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