Make Your Own Cookies With Girl Scout Cookie Oven

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Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

Everyone loves Girl Scout Cookies but they can get a bit expensive, Plus they are only available for a season. This fall you can start making your own to have anytime. Wicked Cool Toys is introducing the Girl Scout Cookie Oven.


The Girl Scout Cookie oven is not like any other oven out there as it uses Heat plates to cook the food, making sure it is cooked evenly. The oven comes complete with a baking mix, spatula, baking pan and measuring tool.

Will be available in Fall 2015 for $59.99


There will be tons of refill pack options available to buy of your favorite cookie mixes, including Thin Mints, Trefoils, and more.
Available fall $6.99
Deluxe Refill packs will feature two of your favorite cookies in one pack for $14.99

Also available with the Girl Scout Cookie Oven:


Girl Scout Cookie Stand: This classic wooden cookie stand provides hours of engaging playtime and conveniently folds up and fits into its carrying case so that girls can easily set up shop and sell their delicious cookies anywhere they go! It includes cardboard printed “play” cookie boxes, chalkboards, chalk, an eraser, pins to “bling your booth” by adding signs or fun decorations, and fabric shelves to beautifully display cookies on top of and below the stand
Available Fall 2015 for $79.99

Cookie Wagon

Girl Scouts On The Go Wagon: Delivering cookies will never be easier with the On the Go Wagon. Comes with a cookie stand to display your inventory as well as a chalk board and a clip board.
Available Fall 2015 for $129.99

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I have tasted the cookies and although they are small, they are very good. Almost as good as the original, perfect for any little girls tea party.

Every purchase benefits the Girl Scouts, Proceeds from sales will go to help benefit the Girl Scouts Organization.

Who is excited for the Girl Scout Cookie Oven?

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2 thoughts on “Make Your Own Cookies With Girl Scout Cookie Oven

  1. I love this idea. I adored my Easy-Bake-Oven when I was growing up. I’d love to get this for my daughter. I’m glad you told us about it so that I can share this with her.

  2. I didn’t know they made this, how neat, I just love girl scout cookie time, I bought 6 boxes this year! And I want more!

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