Always Discreet Is Now At Target

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Always Discreet is a thin pad for everyday use. As a mom of three I suffer from bladder leakage. It happens when I least expect it, when i am working out or as simple as when I sneeze.

Always Discreet is great because it’s thin and doesn’t feel like a regular pad like when you are on menstrual cycles. It’s made a big difference in my life, I would get so embarrassed when I would leak and you could tell. I can work out now, runs after my kids and not have to worry about anything.


Discreet liners- absorbs 2x more than you need

Discreet Pads- Up to 40% thinner and absorb 2x more than you need.

Discreet underwear- Dual leakguard barriers help prevent leaks where they happen most.


If you love Always Discreet products and use the regularly, Target has a subscription service for them. When you sign up for the subscription service you can save 20% on your order.


Subscribing is so easy you just g to and click on your favorite Always Discreet product.
Choose your size selection on the dropdown menu.
Check the box next to “subscribe for 20% off
Select the delivery frequency of your choice from the dropdown menu.
Click subscribe.
Proceed to check out.

It’s that simple and so easy, you don’t have to worry about running out of pads or dealing with store crowds. It makes everything so much easer and you save on the product ad shipping.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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