Home Arrives on Blu-ray GiveawayClosed #HomeInsiders

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for review and giveaway. All opinions are 100% my own.

Home is now available on blu-ray and dvd.

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Oh, a loveable misfit from another planet meets a girl named Tip. The two unlikely friends embark on the greatest journey of all time…the journey HOME.

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I have a Blu-ray copy to giveaway to one lucky reader.

To enter: Tell me if you have seen the movie and your favorite part?

Extra entries:

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Giveaway ends 8/20

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86 thoughts on “Home Arrives on Blu-ray GiveawayClosed #HomeInsiders

  1. I have seen the movie and one fav part is when he throws the party and hands out invitations and everyone is avoiding him

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  2. I haven’t seen the movie yet. I have three young boys and getting them to the theater can be a challenge. Most movies we just wait until they come out so we can have a family movie night snuggling on the couch.

  3. I have not seen the movie but I watched the preview and I like the part where the alien dances. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win.

  4. Im following on Bloglovin
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  5. I have seen the movie home. I saw it with my daughter and 2 small cousins when texas children health invited the kids and parents to go see in theares. My favorite all time part is when nother and daughter was reunited at the end. I love happy endings

  6. I’m a little late posintg to this blog, but I hope that “better late than never” applies here.My biggest frustration was the lack of communication when things started happening. I love RimuHosting support, *BUT* it was initially impossible to get information from RimuHosting due to the nature of this outage. When Rimu’s own servers are down, that means no live chat, no email support, and of course you don’t offer any phone support. I don’t recall the exact sequence, but I actually went looking for Peter’s personal Facebook account with the hope of finding personal contact information for him. After sending Peter a Facebook message, I stumbled upon individual RimuHosting support people using their personal accounts to communicate.I suspect RimuHosting will be quicker to use Facebook & Twitter in the future, but I think it’s reasonable to ask for PROACTIVE communication. When something major happens, or you even think it’s happening, you should be able to send emails, SMS messages, & perhaps even recorded telephone messages to anyone who wants it. I’d also rather get a “false positive” notification that might not really impact me.None of us want our customers telling us about a problem. We’d rather hear it directly from RimuHosting as quickly as possible, so we might enact our own fail-over plans. Facebook or Twitter are nice for backup communication in general, but they still require me to go monitor that. Please provide a proactive notification. Email is probably fine, as long as I can give multiple email addresses (to include one that will turn into an SMS message).

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