Stop and Shop Companion Wholesome Cat and Dog Food Giveaway Closed

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received. Products were provided and donated. All opinions are 100% my own.


Stop and Shop is introducing their new line of Cat and Dog food, Companion Wholesome Formula. Companion Wholesome Formula is the highest quality product on the market, it is all natural with no by products and is made in the USA. The first ingredient is meat or poultry and has a blend of Omega and Omega 3. Plus the convince to be able to shop for your pet while you are doing your regular grocery shopping.

Companion Wholesome Formula is made with….
No Soy
No Wheat
No Corn
No Chicken By Products
No Artificial Flavors
No Artificial Colors
No Artificial Preservatives

Companion is the one brand that can provide your pet with high quality products and stay within your budget.

One Lucky No Time Mommy reader will wins variety of Companion Wholesome Formula Dog and Cat food.

To enter: Tell me how many pets you have?

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Contest ends 11/11/15

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393 thoughts on “Stop and Shop Companion Wholesome Cat and Dog Food Giveaway Closed

  1. I have 5 cats inside and a dog. Now that sounds like a lot… but I have done TNR for a lot of years and I sometimes get the cats that have been socialized, spoken for and people change their mnds or ones that medicall are too needy. I also feed a cat colony.

  2. I have a house full! I have 2 dogs, 4 cats , one red eared slider turtle, 2 baby squirrels that we are fostering from a friend that works for a vet nearby and one pet rooster. They all live indoors only and are all very, very spoiled!!

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