Science Fair Night

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So last night was the science fair and because of course my husband is a scientist the kids wanted to do the science fair. My husband is very adamant about not helping them though, letting them do it all on their own. I agree but they do need a little help. So it was all up to me.

The science fair was for my two youngest in elementary school so they chose something they would like to do. Nothing to challenging. My son of course chose a football project and my daughter did a project about battery brands.

We have done the science fair in previous years at a different school. It was the project set up and they chose winners before the science fair and when you went to look you would see who the winners were etc.

This science fair was totally different and a bit discouraging for the kids. They had actual scientist from local companies judge the projects, (which by the way you can tell what parents did all the work).

My kids had their rosters set up


Science fair

They didn’t have anything fan set up and a lot of kids did, but these judges were harsh. It’s elementary school and a judge is telling my son that because he didn’t do it on different days the experiment would’t be correct. I get that you don’t do a experiment once. again this is elementary school.

There were kids crying, and I just felt so bad.

I want to know though how much time and effort do school expect us to go out on a science fair. It’s expensive to do a really good project and time consuming.

their were robot machines and generators, vaporizers and a few other things showcased. There were o winners it was all for fun.

Did you do the science fair? What are your thoughts on it?

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