Pass The Love back With Your Favorite Snacks

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“This post was sponsored by Mondelez International as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received compensation as a thank you for my review.”


We are a big sports family, we love any sport and are very active. So when a company supports a local sports team or a program for youth, we do our best to support that company and charity. Oreo, Ritz Bits, and Chips Ahoy snack packs are perfect for lunches and kids love them, so why would’t you go out and get some.

Right now you can help U.S. Soccer and Major league soccer by purchasing Oreos, Ritz Bits, and Chips Ahoy multipacks at retailers nationwide. When it comes to soccer equipment and resources, local teams often have to find ways to support themselves. The PassTheLoveBack campaign will help bridge the divide and connect teams with enhancements. This is their 3rd year participating in the program.


My kids love soccer, and my daughter has been begging to join a team but it can get really expensive. I love when companies get involved and help out where they can, it helps so many deserving families. Kids work so hard with the new educational standards today and deserve a little fun after school or on a school sports team. Every family should be able to play soccer and enjoy it without the worries, of payments, stress, and burden.

When we wanted to join our local recreation center the only scholarship program thy had to offer was finding your own business sponsorship, and that was actually really hard to find a local business that was willing to help sponsor a single child.

The PassTheLoveBack program lets everyone have a chance and helps bridge the divide and connect teams with equipment and other resources. It’s a great program, because without it families would be paying for everything out of pocket.

For more information on how to help and all about PassTheLoveBack visit their website.

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