Jord Watches make the Perfect gift and a $75 Giveaway

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My anniversary is coming up soon and its a big one. 12 years, and I have to find the perfect gift. I heard about Jord Watches and was so impressed. They have beautiful handcrafted wood watches that can be sized to fit you perfectly.

When it comes to finding the perfect gift for your loved one, it’s a nightmare. I know my husband can be the hardest person to shop or at times. his style changes and he is not materialistic at all. The last few gifts I have gotten him have been watches. He loves them, but goes through them a lot.

Wooden Wrist Watch

I am also in the market for a watch I haven’t had one in a while, and it makes finding out the time so much easier than pulling out a phone.

I love the Jord watches that I saw online they are just gorgeous and the colors and styles would match any outfit.
Jord watches has different colors and styles for both men and women.

one of my favorites is:

Delmar series:
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This watch is perfect for anyone in your life.

For the ladies my favorite is the Cora Purpleheart and Mother of Pearl.


This watch is gorgeous. I wear it all the time and have received so many compliments about it. The watch is very delicate though as it is made of wood, I am so afraid I am going to break it at times.

The watch arrives in a beautiful wooden box that can be used for anything afterwards. The watch is seated on a soft pillow which just makes the setting as gorgeous.

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Jord Watches

Jord Watches are measured to fit your wrist exactly. You can go online and print out a ruler to help you with that.

Who wants $75 towards a new watch? One lucky reader will win a $75 gift code towards any watch good until 10/2 and all other entries will receive $20 towards a watch.

This is a little different as you must enter on the Jord Watches page, but still a great giveaway. Enter here and then come back and comment letting me know you did.

Contest is open until 7/10

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received. Product was provided by the company. All opinions are 100% my own.

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