5 Kid Emergencies You May Have To Face As A Parent

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While having a kid is a great blessing, it is not always smooth sailing. Kids are difficult, and you never know what sort of situation you are going to face throughout the course of raising them. There are plenty of emergencies you may face as a direct result of having kids, and it’s important that you are prepared for all of them. Below are 5 emergencies that your kids may face one day, and how you can help them to deal with it as their parent.

A Bad Breakup
While not a true emergency for you perhaps, it will feel like one for your kid. Breakups are tough no matter how old you are, but they can be especially bad for teenagers. Teenagers tend to be more emotional, and as a result the breakup feels more intense. As a parent, it’s going to be your job to console your child, and help them to get back on their feet. Don’t belittle their feelings, and give them time to process everything. It may seem like they are overreacting, but to them they are behaving normally. Just be patient and kind, and your child will get through it.

They Are In A Car Accident
Another situation that comes along with teenagers is when they learn to drive. No matter how well you prepare them, there is always the possibility that they get into a car accident. If you’re lucky, it will only be a minor one, with some small damage to the car and no one getting hurt. Whatever the situation though, your child will likely need you there to help them get through their accident, telling them what to do. Car accidents are scary, especially if you have never been in one before, so be prepared to drive out to wherever your kid is and help them out once they learn to drive.

A Medical Emergency
The one thing every parent fears is something happening to their child. Perhaps they get sick, or they are injured in some way. It’s going to be a scary time for you as a parent, but you’ll need to work past it in order to help your child. They may need a ride to the doctor or hospital, or perhaps help getting better. The best thing you can do is ensure that they get the help they need, and that you are there for support along the way. If you’re fortunate, your child will be back to their normal selves before long.

They’re Arrested
Unfortunately, kids are not perfect. They are going to make mistakes along the way, and as a parent you can only hope that they learn from them. However, there may come a time when you get a phone call in the middle of the night from your kid, telling you they have been arrested. Perhaps they are facing drug possession charges, or they were caught drinking under age. When this happens, try to stifle your anger until you get the situation worked out. Head on over to the police station, and find a lawyer if need be. Hopefully the crime was something small, and the worst punishment your kids will have to face will come from you.

A School Related Emergency
Finally, unless you are homeschooling your child, there may come a time when there is a situation at your kid’s school. Perhaps they became sick during lunch, or they got into a fight with another student. You’ll likely have to take time out of your day to go to the school and figure out what comes next.

If you work at a job that is unlikely to let you leave in the middle of the day to head to your kid’s school, it’s important to have someone you can call during an emergency like this to go and pick up your kid. You hope this never happens, but in the event that it does, it’s good to have a plan in place.

Be Prepared For All Scenarios
There’s no telling what will happen with your kid as they grow up. But what is certain is that it is not going to be a smooth ride. You’ll have to leave work on short notice sometimes, or head on over to the scene of a car accident in the middle of the night. It’s hard to plan for things like these, but there are a few things you can do.

Always make sure you cell phone is charged and on, so that your child can reach you. Next, have some savings built up in case your kid needs it, or you need to miss a few days of work. Finally, help your kid learn from any mistakes they make, so that you don’t have to deal with the same situation again in the future. If you can do little things like this, you’ll be better prepared should any emergency arise with your kids.

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One thought on “5 Kid Emergencies You May Have To Face As A Parent

  1. Good advice.
    Kids have different types of emergencies I think depending on ages. I do think having a few personal days built up jus in case is an awfully good idea. I mean, if you have a kid who is in trouble or sick or injured you will want to be there.

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