5 activities To Support Child Learning And Growth

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There are many ways to support child growth educationally, emotionally and cognitively. As parents, we should always find new ways to support our kids. When they are young, planning fun activities can be a great way to help them grow. In this post, we’ll cover fun activities that will challenge your kids to grow, learn and have fun in the process.

Create Thankful Crafts

To get the kids thinking, create a tree of thankful ideas. It will get your kids thinking about all that things they have to appreciate. It will help them grow by thinking about what they enjoy. For each thoughtful idea, have your kids write it down on colored paper. Then, cut out the paper into leaves or different shapes. Hang up the different papers in the shape of a tree, heart, house or whatever else you can think of. It’s a fun activity that can show you children how much they have to be thankful for.

Throw A Math Party

Invite your kids’ friends over for a math party. Simply, make math and numbers the theme of the party. Offering candy? Give it out only if they can count how many there are. Or, make them add or subtract a simple equation. Use a chalkboard to write down math facts so they kids can check them out. Then, make cookies in the shape of numbers or equation symbols. By throwing a math themed party, the kids will have a good time and associate it with math. As a result, they will be more open to learning mathematics.

Go On A Scavenger Hunt

Have some post-its laying around? Create a series of instructions for the kids to follow. They will have fun going from one sticky note to another. In the process, they will practice how to follow instructions and get the reward of finding the next clue. At the end, make the prize worthwhile and they will always be looking for this thoughtful activity again.

Start A Book Club

Sometimes, we need to get our children away from screens. A book club is a great way to get everyone in the family involved. You can read independently or as a group. Especially, if you are seeking legal representation for your child support agreement, it is activity that their father can do away from home too. Additionally, having the whole family read the same book can support their discussion skills. It gives everyone something to talk about and discuss together.

Learning New Instruments

While this can be noisy at first, introduce your kids to different instruments as early as possible. It’s a great activity that will support the development of their brains. Playing an instrument supports child focus and learning potential. Without realizing it, they will be training their mind to multitask and learn new activities too.

These are all great activities to support child growth. You can do crafts, throw parties or create scavenger hunts. Moreover, you can encourage them to read and play music. These activities will further develop your children while offering the opportunity to have fun with the whole family

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