An Overview Of Umbilical Cord Banking

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Umbilical cord blood banking refers to a procedure whereby a small amount of blood is collected from the placenta and umbilical cord after childbirth.  It is then processed, frozen and appropriately stored.


This procedure is carried out when parents wish to have the stem cells contained within the blood available for future medical use, either specifically for their own family, or generally, so that medical research, or members of the public with particular medical needs, can benefit from them. Blood collection does not interfere with the birthing process and is entirely painless and completely safe – learn about your options during pregnancy, so that preparations can be made in good time.

What cord blood banking involves

The collection of umbilical cord blood is simple and is free of risk to both mother and baby. Nothing is done until after the birth, and partners can still cut the umbilical cord if they so wish. To collect the precious substance the cord is clamped before being cut and a little blood is harvested – between three and five ounces – from the part of the cord connected to the placenta. Sometimes this is achieved by dripping the blood into a sterilized bag, or alternatively a syringe is used for the extraction. The whole process takes about ten minutes. Umbilical cord blood must be tested before being processed, as the point is to obtain a high-quality sample. The blood specimen is then frozen before being stored.


How umbilical cord blood can save lives

The stem cells in umbilical cord blood have the ability to multiply, producing more cells of the same kind or developing into cells of a different type. Stem cells can be used to treat and to cure a number of diseases, including heart disease, liver disease and some cancers. This works because the new, undamaged stem cells have the effect of repairing diseased or contaminated cells that form as a result of certain illnesses. In particular, immune system deficiencies and disorders involving organs, blood or tissue, respond well when new stem cells are introduced into the patient’s system. In laboratory studies, medical researchers have been able to repair damage to brains and spinal cords, and to restore impaired connective tissue. The great thing about cord blood stem cells is their versatility. They can also be used to treat disorders of the blood and the metabolism.

What every parent should know

In the 1970s, scientists discovered that the stem cells found in umbilical cord blood were of the same type as those found in donations of bone marrow – known as blood-forming cells. At this point they began to collect samples and carry out additional research. Today it is clear that cord blood stem cells are capable of being used for a number of different types of treatment, including childhood cancers such as leukemia.

Parents that want to insure their family against future illnesses often opt for private cord blood banking – they pay an initial collection fee and an annual storage fee and the samples gathered are available to their family members on demand. This is particularly beneficial in the treatment of cancer, where the stem cells from a healthy sibling can prove to be a good match for a child or adult who becomes ill.

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  1. Pingback: The Value Of Umbilical Cord Blood Storage | HealthCare Blog

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