Teaching Your Daughter Monthly Maintenance

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I have been getting my daughter prepared for when she starts her period. She still have a year or two, but is really smart and has been asking questions. Now It’s time to start the talk about how to track, and prepare for exactly what day they start.

One problem I always had as a tween was tracking. I had a really weird cycle and I’d start at the beginning of the month, then the middle of the month. It was never the same.
I have explained to my daughter that it is good to always mark the day you start your period every month. You never know when the doctor will ask the question and just to be able to try and determine when your period will start the next month. So there are no stained underwear or accidents.
Another way to determine if your period is coming, is they may start to feel bloated, cramps and just be moody for no reason. LOL! I have also told my daughter that there are various moods you will experience when it’s that time of the month. It may be sadness, discomfort, restlessness etc. Thats normal, it’s just estrogen talking.

Now the really important part
One thing I hated was having to change my pad. It became such a pain and hard to get to a bathroom when you are in school. It’s important to change your pad every hour or when you use the bathroom, if it’s soiled. It will make you fell refreshed and clean.
My mother always taught me that it’s a good idea when your 5-7 day period is over to cleanse yourself. You can bathe very well or use a woman douche.

To learn more about Tween Kotex please visit here. If you would like some tips on how to talk to your daughter, or have questions visit here.

“I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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