Great New Books For Christmas GiveawayClosed

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My kids absolutely love reading, they ask for all sort of books for Christmas. They also love reading about Christmas. They were so thrilled when we received 2 new books in the mail.

Uh-oh! It’s Christmas Eve and Santa Claus is under the weather! Can Mrs. Claus save Christmas?

***This book is so cute, and very easy to read for the little ones. It’s mainly about Santa Claus having the flu and Mrs. Claus having to come to his rescue and do everything herself, including sending the reindeer off. Although it never mentions anyone being on the sleigh as it takes off. LOL!

We also received:

It’s Christmas Eve, Have you been good? Santa’s packed up all the presents and is headed your way! With the help of a certain red-nosed reindeer.

***Living in New York, I thought this book was so fun to show the kids. I said maybe this is really the way Santa comes.  This book also references most of the popular tourist attractions in new york. Santa Flies over Times Square, Ny Public Library, Statue Of Liberty, and gets stuck on the Empire State Building, plus more fun attractions.

Both books retail for $9.99

I am pleased to be able to give a copy of these books away.

To enter: Tell me which book you are excited to read?

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Contest ends 12/22/12 at 12pm

Disclosure: I received samples of the books above for review, and I will be donating them to schools ruined by Hurricane Sandy. All opinions are my own.




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