Holiday Gifts: Fluttershy From Build A Bear Workshop #MLP #BuildABear

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for my review.

Build A Bear Workshop introduced the My Little Pony collection this past year. They will introduce every new friend with time. So far the friends released are Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. They just released the newest edition Fluttershy this month.

Fluttershy is just the cutest, I can’t get over her face.

No Time Mommy
No Time Mommy
No Time Mommy
No Time Mommy
No Time Mommy

You can pick up a Build A Bear Workshop friend today.

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One thought on “Holiday Gifts: Fluttershy From Build A Bear Workshop #MLP #BuildABear

  1. awwww, she is adorable ! I need to take the kids to Build A Bear, enjoyed watching the kids enjoy the snow at the end of the video.

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