Holiday Gifts: Get Your Holiday Cards with HP and Walmart #HP #WarmYourWalls

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Disclosure: A gift card was received to purchase cards, no other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.

I love making holiday cards, it’s so fun to just add your personal touches and photos. I always do picture cards, since my family is so far away. They enjoy getting to see all the pictures and the kids always bring the cards to life.

HP and Walmart have teamed up to offer a variety of different photo gifts that can be ordered and picked up in store or shipped.
Our favorite thing about the items are most of them have characters you can feature. We made a photo book featuring cars, read about it here.

My kids wanted to do a Spongebob holiday card, since we really only put their pic on the card. I agreed.
This was the card and picture they choose.

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I also made my son a HP birthday card since his Birthday is in December. He loved it as Cars is his favorite.

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They have so many different characters to choose from. Mickey and crew, Batman, Cars, Princess, Looney Tunes, Winnie The Pooh and more. They start at 48 cents a card.

You can make your HP Holiday card now at Walmart.

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