Mighty Machines DVD

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My kids are just getting interested in cars, trains,  planes etc.  My kids were so excited to be able to watch it.

best of mighty machinesThe Best of Mighty Machines is a DVD collection featuring 6 mega tough episodes.

There are also 7 other Mighty Machines DVDs in the series


  • Diggers & Dozers Mighty Machines
  • Lights & Ladders Mighty Machines
  • Roadways to Runways Mighty Machines
  • Boats to the Rescue Mighty Machines
  • Big Wheels Rollin’ Mighty Machines
  • Tremendous Tools Mighty Machines
  • Making Tracks Mighty Machines

    My kids had a blast watching this movie and learned a lot nore about cars planes and trains.   Their favorite would be the John Deere Tractor, because thats what they see all the time out here!

    The best of Mighty Machines runs 130 mins long.

    it can be purchased here for $9.99

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