Just Dance 2016 Helps you stay fit in the new year

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One of my new years resolutions is to be more healthy and shed some weight. It’s actually been my resolution every year, but I can never stick to it. This year I am though after some health problems and feeling down. I want to be back and better than ever. One of my favorite ways to stay in shape is by playing Just Dance on the WII, and what better way to kick off the new year than with Just Dance 2016.

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Just Dance 2016 has some of the hottest songs to dance and stay active to like
Same old love- Selena Gomez
All About That Bass- Meghan Trainor
Circus- Britney Spears
Teachers- Nick Jonas
Cool For The Summer- Demi Lovato
Heartbeat Song- Kelly Clarkson
So much more

I have been getting so pumped up with this new game. The songs are hot and popular right now and the moves make you feel so energized. We love competing and taking on other dancers in the World Dance Floor. I love the Sweat and playlist mode, it helps me keep track of the calories I have burned and so much more.



Get Just Dance 2016 on Amazon here.

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received a product was provided for review.

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One thought on “Just Dance 2016 Helps you stay fit in the new year

  1. I know someone who lost a ton of weight doing the dances and games on the WII. Dont give up you can do it!

    PS If you can keep up with those kids you know youre doing great!

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