Peeps are filling easter Baskets this weekend

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Easter is only a couple days away and what is the one candy every Easter Basket needs? Peeps®! Peeps® are everyones favorite Marshmallow treat. They started out as chicks and birds around Easter time and have no expanded and feature minions, Dinosaurs and so much more. There are tons of different varieties too like Chocolate Mousse, Gingerbread, Birthday cake, Banana Creme and so much more. Peeps and Company® also features and sells Hot Tamales, Mike and Ike, and Peanut Chews.

This year Peeps®has come out with tons of different flavors to put in your childs basket. They have fruit punch peeps, chocolate covered peeps, orange creme, birthday cake and so much more.

You could literally fill your entire Easter Basket:

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Peeps® are always fun to have on holidays. For Easter not Only do Peeps® represent the Holidays fun spirit with candy in shapes of Bunnies, chicks, eggs and more.
Want more than candy? Peeps® has a assortment of gifts as well like stuff animals, earphones, clothing and more.

My kids look forward to getting these every year. They just love the various flavors and shapes they come in. They call it marshmallow sugary goodness.

You can find Peeps® at all local retailers and on their website.

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. Product was provided for review. All opinions are 100% my own.

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One thought on “Peeps are filling easter Baskets this weekend

  1. Actually one of my favorite candies. I allow myself one package and will eat the whole package in the same day 🙂 I love the newer colors so pretty! You have quite the collection!

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