Trendy Tadpole review

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Julie Pruitt started Trendy Tadpole back in 2004 when she decided it was time she worked for herself.  She was inspired by her students and by the children that she babysat.  She brings pop culture, a little nostalgia and fun into each one of her designs.











 I recieved the Mr. Big shirt for my son. I chose it because my son is tall for his age and walks around like he’s the boss. This shirt fits his personality. The shirts run a little small so my son being 20 months, i got him a size 2T.

They have over 30 designs to choose from and come in onesies, long sleeve tees, reglan tees. They range in sizes from 3 months to 8 yrs.

This shirt is so adorable, and is a perfect fit for my son. All the designs are really cute. He has worn the shirt a couple times, and it still looks new, no fading.


visit and purchase your shirt.

**Just for my readers if you enter Trendy10 at checkout, you will receive 10% off your purchase!

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