Balloon time review

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Balloon Time is the leading brand of consumer helium balloon kits in North America. Balloon Time’s family of products includes Balloon Time 30 Helium Balloon Kit, Balloon Time 50 Helium Balloon Kit, Balloon Time A La Carte helium tank, Balloon Time Party Create-A-Face Sticker Kit and the Balloon Time Combo Latex and Foil Helium Balloon Kit. The helium balloon kits are available at a variety of retailers worldwide.

Balloon Time 30 Count_2








I received a coupon for a free ballon time product.  I could only find a 30 balloon tank, so thats what i chose.  The whole free copon thing was a bit confusing, even though i got it free i still paid $1.73 in taxes.    I had a little trouble turning the knob to release the helium so i had to use a wrench. It’s very simple to use and a lot of fun, the kit comes with a tank, balloons, and string.   My kids have been having so much fun playing with the Balloons i’ve made.  The downside is the Balloons don’t seem to float longer than one day.

visit for retailers and more information 


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