Car Seat Safety Resources

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Having three in car seats, I know how important it is to make sure your car seat is installed correctly.  When my oldest DD was first-born, I actually went to my local fire department and they helped me with proper installation.

It’s not that easy for some people and not all firefighters know how to install them.

Here are some easy resources for you, if you need help in this area.

Twitter: or @ChildSeatSafety there is an actual safety expert runs this twitter account, and will answer any questions parents have about car seat safety.

Facebook: The NHTSA has a their own facebook page at, where you can learn about everything from latches and inspection offices.

Website: Visit  they have videos,a fun quiz, and office locations.

Driving without your child in a restraint, or not having it properly installed can be very scary. If your unsure about installation of your car seat, visit these sites.

If you don’t have a car seat, or can’t afford one ask your local health department. Some states have programs where they will help you get a car seat if you qualify.

Never buy a used car seat, without knowing anything about it, it may be defective.

Thanks to Momfleunce for these resources

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