Yay Potty Training Success

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My dear Alex is now on the road to potty training success and I’m so thrilled. She has gone two days with no accidents and no diapers/pullups!

It’s very exciting for us.

Now we need to save our money. We promised her a big girl bed(twin size) and Tinker Bell sheets.

Now just one more to go nad my house will be diaper free.

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3 thoughts on “Yay Potty Training Success

  1. Yay! I’m so jealous. I’m still procrastinating on my 30 month old. We tried it, and even though he seemed ready, I wasn’t! So I backed off for a couple of months. Maybe I’ll get inspired. Happy for you!

    1. We tried having a small potty in th bathroom, and then we went together. so she didn’t feel alone.
      she started and did good, then didn’t want anything to do with it for months and now shes full trained. so just keep trying, but just don’t push

  2. Hooray for the Big Girl! Our Gabby just turned 5 and we still have a few accidents, when she drinks anything, I know to tell to go potty

    and she got her big girl bed too!

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