Barney Please and Thank You Review

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Synopsis(from dvd case): When Baby bop forgets to say “please” and “thank you”, Barney realizes it’s time for a lesson on how magic words can make other people feel good inside. As Baby Bop daydreams about a world without good manners, she realizes that being polite is not only important but it’s easy to do after all.

There are three episodes on this dvd:

  1. Magic Words
  2. Tea-riffic Manners
  3. Caring Hearts

This DVD includes 20 songs like Good Manners, Please and Thank you, Being Together, and clean up.

Bonus features:

  • Baby Bop’s tea party games
  • cakes, cups and colors
  • alphabet cookies

****I’m not really a big fan of Barney and never have been. I caught my kids watching it the other day when I came home, and I was surprised at how much they enjoyed watching it. This DVD features some great lessons on manners caring and sharing. I love how they talk about Manners. My kids are learning from this as they have been a bit selfish lately. This is a great movie for preschoolers.

Release Date:1/5/10


Running Time:65 minutes long

For more fun with barney visit

Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this review. I did receive a product from Hit Entertainment to facilitate my review.

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