Suave Kids Wash Them Grow Contest(Plus a chance for you to win big)

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My kid’s favorite part of the day is bathtime, they love to play in the water and put soap in their hair. Even though they get upset when it’s time to wash it out! One of my favorite brands is Suave, we love the smells of their shampoos, plus the varietys they have.


family The Malual Family and a Gift from Suave


Suave for Kids Body Wash, Princess Strawberry - 12 fl oz

Suave is putting some fun activitys into your bathtime routine, with teach, nuture and transition your child through the stages of cleansing and growth.When kids wash with Suave you’ll enjoy every fun loving splash, no matter how old they get.

On January 18 Suave is launching the “Wash Them Grow” Sweepstakes, with a really great prize you can win weekly.The Prize is  a E-keepsakes kit(includes video camera, laptop and digital camera), Plus one grand prize winner will win a family vacation to Florida. Just head over to the Washthemgrow site and play the game, you’ll be entered automatically. Plus you can come back daily to play through February 22.

Plus this a bonus: If you enter the site through my link I will win big as well as ten of you. The more you visit the site through my link, the more chances ten of my readers and I have a chance of winning a year supply of Suave kids products, plus a $100 Gift card to build a bear. You read that right TEN of my readers. So please help me win and visit daily.

Leave a comment here if you want to be one of my ten, if I win!

Thanks to Mom Select for providing me with this great information as well as some suave kids products.

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2 thoughts on “Suave Kids Wash Them Grow Contest(Plus a chance for you to win big)

  1. What a great giveaway – and for 10 no less! What a good way to celebrate the first 10 years of this century and the memories we have made in those 10 years.

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