Let’s Explore: Dora’s Greatest Adventures DVD Review

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It’s time to explore! Help Dora play hide and seek, rescue Baby Jaguar, catch the stars and so much more. There are eight fun-filled exploring episodes on this DVD.

Lost Map: Who do we ask for help when we don’t know which way to go? The Map!  Map gets taken away by a goofy bird for a stick. The bird flies Map all the way to the top of tallest Mountain. Dora and Boots draw their own map to help rescue their friend.

Hide and Go Seek: Dora and her friends are good at hiding, especially When Señor Tucán hides in the Rain Forest. If they can find all eight friends, Señor Tucán promises to introduce his new baby toucans.

Journey to the Purple planet: Blast off into outer space as Dora and Boots set off to bring 5 stranded space creatures back home to the Purple Planet. Travel on a rocket ship, travel through the Milky way, catch a ride on a comet, and go past the space rocks to bring Flinky, Inky, Plinky, Dinky and Al back home.

Rescue Rescue: Baby Jaguar is stuck in a tree, Isa is stuck in a big sand hole, and Benny is stuck in his balloon on top of Gooey Geyser. Dora and Boots need help to put the right rescue steps in order to save all three friends in time. It’s got to be fast, the fastest ever! 

Boots to the rescue 412: Dora left her music homework in boots room. She needs Boots to bring it to her school so she can sing it to her class.  Boots is on his own and learns new Spanish words through the Up and Down Jungle, past the Robot House, and to Dora at school. (I speak Spanish and English too, I like them both how about you.)

Star Catching: Abuela gives Dora a special star pocket to catch explorer stars. She sets out to catch stars and catches her first one.Woo-Hoo The Peekaboo Star! But Swiper swipes the star pocket and ties it to a balloon that floats all the way up to cloud castle.  They set out to get Woo-Hoo back from the prince of the caste, but they need help from other Explorer Stars.

Star Mountain: Swiper swipes Dora’s favorite necklace and throws it all the way up to the top of Star Mountain! They need to run up the star steps, climb up the diamond, and go through ice wind and snow. They try to make it with the help of some Explorer Stars.

Swiper the Explorer Fox: Dora and Boots are playing catch when they find a lost baby fox. Swiper comes to swipe the ball, but when he sees the lost baby fox, he has a change of heart and decides to help. They set out and with Swipers help get past the volcano, over the prickers and thorns, and find baby fox’s mommy at the fox hole. Swiper even says Thank you!

****Wow over 3 hours of Dora, what a little girls dream! My daughters were mesmerized, even though some of the shows we had already seen on Nick Jr. My daughter really like Journey To The Purple Planet, because we have the video game for PS2.  I was really impressed with Swiper being so nice in the last episode, kind of gave me a different impression of the character now.  

There is also a bonus feature: The game Dora’s Explorer World. This is a very fun game and my daughter said she felt like she was a real explorer.

Release date: 2/2/10


Running Time:198 minutes

Disclosure: I received a product for review from the company, no other compensation was received.

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