Leapfrog Math Adventure To The Moon Review

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Join Tad and Lilly as they blast off on an exciting educational adventure! Tad and Lilly need a collection of things to take to school for their math assignment. They decide to get moon rocks, but have to figure out how to get them. With some magical help from their firefly friend Edison, they board a rocket ship to start their quest. Soon the twins learn math is everywhere, even in outerspace!Watch as they use their skills in counting, sorting, skip counting and recognizing patterns to overcome obstacles, find new friends, and make the trip back to earth.

Special features:

  • The sorting game
  • Four sing a long songs
  • Alphabet song from lets go to school

Here are some math tips you can try:

  1. Next time you’re in a waiting room with your child, scan the room (or the magazines on the tables) for evidence of “math.”  Advise your child to find as much math as possible, and you can give clues if you need to.  Numbers, patterns, shapes, categories, and measuring devices (e.g., ruler, scales), are just a few examples of some of the math you might see all around you!
  2.   Make patterns using standard household objects.  For example line up repeated objects–sock, stuffed animal, sock, stuffed animal, and so on.   Next, ask your child to continue the pattern to figure out the “secret code.”  You can vary the difficulty of the pattern to suit your child’s ability–banana, banana, pear, banana, banana, pear.  You can also make deliberate errors that your child needs to find–pear, apple, banana, pear, apple, banana, pear, pear, banana.
  3. Take a deck of cards, and discuss with your child all the ways you can sort the cards.  They can be sorted by color (red versus black), suit (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs), numbers (2’s, 3’s, etc.), royalty versus numbers (jacks, queens, and kings versus the numbers), odd versus even numbers, etc.  Sky is the limit!  You can play the sorting game with many collections of things around the house, such as socks and building  blocks.  

    ****This movie is fun and a great learning adventure for the kids. All about math and numbers. My children really got into it. My 4-year-old even told me she learned about even numbers and proceeded to say 2,4,6,8,10 etc. This is great learning tool for preschoolers to get interested in math.

Release Date:2/23/10


Running time:38 minutes

My rating:10

Disclosure: I received a product for my review. no other compensation was received.

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