Disney’s Ponyo DVD/Blu-ray Review

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Walking on the beach near his home, a five-year old boy named Sosuke (voiced by Frankie Jonas) finds a beautiful goldfish trapped in a bottle. He releases the tiny creature and, sure that she is no ordinary fish, names his new friend Ponyo (Noah Lindsey Cyrus). As Ponyo and Sosuke grow closer, she reveals to him that she is the daughter of a powerful wizard (Liam Neeson) and a sea goddess (Cate Blanchette), and magically transforms herself into a real human girl. But by crossing from her watery world onto land, Ponyo has created a dangerous imbalance in nature. As the moon begins to draw closer to the earth, sea levels rise and a giant tsunami threatens to destroy Sosuke’s home. Ponyo’s father marshals all his might to find his missing daughter, as the two children embark on an adventure of a lifetime to try and save the world.

Bonus features(on Blu-ray disc):

  • The world of Ghibli
  • Meet Ponyo
  • Storyboard presentation of the movie


****I never heard of Ponyo before receiving this dvd, but I thought it would be a great way to introduce my kids to something new.  The beginning was a little slow and hard to understand, but then came together. A boy catches a goldfish and then looses it, while the fish is magic she decides to become human  to befriend the little boy.  Her turning into a human sends the ocean off-balance and a huge storm starts, with a major Tsunami,  Panyo starts to get sick, and goes back into the ocean. Where everything goes back to normal. and Ponyo gets to live on land. This movie was very different from any Disney movie i’ve seen.  It’s a good movie just a little hard to understand until half way through the movie.

Retail: $29.99 for 2 disc dvd & $39.99 for Blu-ray.

Release date: March 2, 2010

Running time:103 minutes long

My rating:7

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation, a product was provided by Disney for my review.


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