The Madeline Movie: Lost In Paris Review

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Product Description:When a long-lost uncle from Vienna pays a visit. Madeline’s dreams of a family life seem fulfilled, until she finds herself in the middle of an unfortunate scheme. Madeline must then must call upon all of her courage and cleverness to foil an evil plot to take her from the only family she’d ever known.

****I have watched Madeline movies and read the books. This movie was a bit different from what I’m use to seeing. It was a little dark/evil, if that makes sense. My older daughter loved it, while my 2,3 yr old stop watching when the Uncle came into the picture. overall it was a good movie.


Release date: April 13, 2010

Running time: 90 minutes long

My rating:7

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this review. A product was provided from the company.

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