John Deere Earth Mover action DVD GiveawayCLOSED

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Product description: Watch powerful John Deere machines excavators, loaders, graders, scrapers, backhoes, and dozers dig dirt, plow snow, load rocks, and climb hills. Play the Let’s Pretend game and imagine being the operator of an earth-moving machine. Laugh with Otto, who is once again up to his old tricks. Hop on for a sweet ride to the delectable Big Rock Candy Mountain Quarry. Plus sing and dance to award-winning singer/songwriter James Coffey’s original funny songs.

****My son loves cars, trucks, tractors etc. He was so thrilled to see this movie. He even got out his little dump truck, excavators, and tried to copy what was going on on the movie. This is such a great movie for kids to learn and see what happens on construction sights and farms.

Release date: April 13, 2010


Running time:40 minutes long

My rating:10

I have one copy to giveaway

To enter tell me your childs favorite John Deere vehicle? tractor, hauler ?

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Contest closes 4/1/10

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post, I received a review copy from Hit Entertainment, who is also providing the giveaway.

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