Nickelodeon Your Stay At The Marriott

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I’ll admit it I dread going  on trips with my kids, I have a 2,4, and 5 year old, it can get pretty crazy.  We usually pack way to much to ensure they will be preoccupied.

Nickelodeon and the Marriott Hotel have teamed together to “Nickelodeon Your Stay” at over 2000 locations. All kids will receive free activity book and bracelet with a code for free games at  You can upgrade your package for $10-$20 dollars(depending on hotel) to also have the package include Spongebob activity bag, splash ball, Nickelodeon sunglasses, and a build your own Spongebob. Also kids who eat at the restaurant hotel will also receive a Nickelodeon character placemat. visit to start booking.

Nickelodeon Your Stay

****The pack is so fun for my kids. The buildyour own Spongebob hands and eyes wiggle, and even comes with Gary the snail.  The splash ball is fun for the pool or beach. This will definitly keep your kids at play for at least a little while.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Marriott and received a Nickelodeon gift pack to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central also sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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