Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Red Rover Game

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Red Rover is a memory-matching game combined with run-around play. It features an adorable electronic talking dog and 12 bones with color and number, shape, or letter. The object of the game is to collect the most bones. The game is set up by placing the 12 bones randomly around a space. The game starts when preschoolers press the Red Rover nose and he calls out which bones he wants. Preschoolers run to find the right bone and feed it to Rover, if they’re right, they keep the bone, if they’re wrong, Red Rover encourages them to go back and find the right one. Whoever helps Rover the fastest, wins.

****This game is great for preschoolers. It gets them up and moving and having fun. Plus its a good memory, color and number game.  Red Rover calls out a color or number and the kids need to go find the correct bone and feed it to Rover. who ever gets the most bones wins. My kids had a blast playing this game, and my son  even learned some more colors.  This is a fun get up and play game.


My rating: 9

Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this post, a product was provided by Mattel for my review

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