Holiday Gift Guide 2010: My Little Pony Mermaid Asst.

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Product Description:  Whenever the ponies visit the sea, they magically become beautiful mermaids! Join them as they have waves of fun discovering a brand new world! Rainbow Dash has a treasure chest of beauty secrets! Your pretty Rainbow Dash pony is looking forward to a fun afternoon under the surf with her dolphin accessory buddy and with you! Help your new friend look her best with her compact and mirror accessories. Then, play pretend that you two are on a treasure hunt and “find” her treasure chest accessory!

****This is smaller than a actual My Little Pony, but my daughter still enjoyed her My Little Pony Mermaid. My daughter plays with this more in the bathtub than anywhere else. Plus even more bathtime or pool fun with the accessories a Treasure chest or a crab, each mermaid comes with differeny accessories.

Retail: $7.95


Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was received for my review.

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