Holiday Giving With Build A Bear(Giveaway)Closed

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Today I attend a Holiday Giving Gathering at Build A Bear in NYC. It was great being able to bring my family along and teach my children about giving back to the community. At the event I was joined by other Bloggers, News Media and Marines(Toys For Tots), Plus the special geust was Jordan Urbach, NY’s huggable Hero.

I have never been to Build A Bear in NYC, my children and I were very excited about getting to see the biggest Build A Bear in the world. The store was so big and even had a downstairs. The day started out with the store manager and Jordan talking about Charity and what we were going to be doing.

Did you know:

  • 95% of People(mostly women) believe the holidays are a good time to encourage children to be charitable.
  • 68% have family traditions that focus on helping others.

Then we were able to make the Champ Bear and donate it to Toys For Tots

The event went great, and the donation bins were full to the top. It was great being able to give back and being able to teach the kids about giving back and how important it is.

Right now when you visit Build A Bear and make a cuddely friend you can choose to donate $1 or more donation to support Toys for Tots at checkout or online at

I have a $25 gift card to Build A Bear to giveaway for a donation or for yourself

To enter: Visit Build A Bear and tell me what you’d like to make

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Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation or products and my trip was not paid for.  Build A Bear is providing the giveaway.

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261 thoughts on “Holiday Giving With Build A Bear(Giveaway)Closed

  1. I would like to make some of the Rudolph characters. I would start with Clarice. That as always one of my favorite Christmas shows as a kid.

  2. I love the Wild Animals and the Peacock is my absolute fave! How fun!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

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  10. I’m an email subscriber, coriwestphal at msn dot com.
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