Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Leapfrog Scribble and Write

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Product Description:

Children trace the lights to get practice drawing simple shapes and pictures, then graduate to learning upper- and lowercase letters with step-by-step guidance. Fun learning games help reinforce letter recognition and pencil control skills. Best of all, Scribble & Write uses a single retraceable surface for ease of use and portability.

****My daughter is 4 and she knows how to sing her ABC’s she still is having trouble getting the writing down. The scribble and write is perfect for kids around the preschool age. it breaks down letters by lines and even has a pad and pen for your child to trace the letter. My daughter was so excited to try this out and has really improved on her writing. Plus there is also letter and shape drawing to help children with shapes and so much more. I am so thrilled by this toy and have to say it really helps with preschool homeschooling.

Retail: $24.99 but you can find for $15.99 on

My rating:10

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was received. All opinions are my own.

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2 thoughts on “Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Leapfrog Scribble and Write

  1. I home school my preschooler and LOVE this toy! I have told all my friends with children ages 1-4 about it. My 3 year old boy can identify all upper and lower case letters. (I have only worked with upper case with him, he has learned the lower case from this game!) His hand writing is improving every day, and I know that besides my teaching, it is because he practices every night before bed with this game. If you need a birthday or holiday gift for a small child, THIS IS IT! It’s fun for the child, easy to hold and educational. All my nieces and nephews are getting it for Christmas. I’m such a believer!

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