Mega Bloks Domino Build Game Review

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Product Description:  Mega Bloks Domino Build Game utilizes simple domino and building game play to introduce multiple skill sets such as colors, numbers, matching, motor skills, etc. Players collect animal blocks after correctly matching domino tiles. Be the first player to collect all 4 animal part blocks and assemble your animal to win.

**** This game was fun for my little ones, but it seemed a little to easy. My 5 yr old zipped through it and won every game.   The object is to line up the animal cards, kind of like dominoes. Everytime you get one right you get a piece of your Mega Blok animal. First one to build the animal wins, but there are only 4 pieces.  My kids still had fun playing even though every game ended with one of my kids being upset they didn’t win.

Retail:$10.99 at

My rating:8

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a Product was provided by Mega bloks through Team Mom

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