Great Gifts For Easter: Chuck’s Big Aire Dare DVD and Playset

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 Chuck The Dump Truck and Flip The Race Truck meet for the first time. Each truck shares his special talents. Chuck is great at lifting and building. Flip can race fast and do incredible stunts. Competition sparks, and the trucks challenge each other to a contest. Chuck creates a stunt course and tries to do better tricks than Flip. Flip builds a tall tower and tries to climb higher than Chuck. In the end, the trucks learn a valuable lesson: they need each other to succeed. Will the trucks become friends? Find out in this action-packed adventure!

We love chuck, he is so much fun. My son watches him on the hub everyday. In this movie Chuck meets Flip and they compete against each other. Chuck actually seems to be a little jealous that Flip can do things he can’t, but in the end they become friends and realize no one is perfect at everything. The movie package also comes with your own miniature Chuck toy! William can’t wait until a Flip toy comes out, he is super excited that Chuck has new friends.     We also received some Chuck car toys, a book set, sticker book, and Chuck cookie cutout.  William just went crazy over everything, he has become so attached to everything and won’t even let his sisters come near them.  Chuck is character to have a party with or even just to have a playdate.

Retail:$9.99 for the movie

Disclosure; No compensation was received for this post. A product was provided by Hasbro. All opinions are my own.

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