Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure Blu-ray and DVD Review

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After a talent scout spots her performing with her dog Boi at a charity gala, Sharpay Evans (Tisdale) sets off for the bright lights of NYC, convinced instant fame and fortune are in the bag (designer bag, that is). But theatre’s a dog-eat-dog world, as she and Boi discover when they encounter the devious owner of a pampered pooch named “Countess” and a scheming Broadway starlet who will do anything to crush the competition. Fortunately, Sharpay also meets Peyton (Austin Butler), a handsome student filmmaker who finds Sharpay nearly as fascinating as she finds herself.

Bonus features:

  • Bloopers,
  • Austin Cam,
  • The Evolution of Sharpay.  



***This movie reminds me a little of Legally Blonde, Sharpay is rich and spoiled, but when she is on her own she struggles and makes a positive impact on people.  Sharpay goes to NYC to find her dream of being on Broadway, she has big problems along the way like her dog not being allowed in her suite, fighting for roles and more. We really like this movie, it shows kids that when you believe in yourself you can accomplish your dreams and goals.

The official screening and reception was held on April 6, Here is some footage of the cast and friends talking about the movie.


Retail: $39.99 but you can find on Amazon for $19.99

Running Time: 89 minutes

Release date: April 19, 2011

Disclosure:No compensation was received for this post, a product was provided for my review.

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