Sugar Free Ring Pops

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My kids love ring pops, but I don’t like giving them sweets since they contain a lot of sugar. Recently I was introduced to Sugar Free Ring Pops. My kids were so excited to be able to try them.

  • Kids love Sugar Free Ring Pop because the fun plastic ring offers tons of bling to fuel imaginations! Moms love the plastic ring, too – it stays put on little hands to prevent messes, making Sugar Free Ring Pop an ideal sweet for long summer road trips. Plus, parents can rest assured knowing that long-lasting Sugar Free Ring Pop is also fat free, tooth-friendly, and only contains 30 calories per pop.


My kids couldn’t wait to try the 3 great flavors blue rasberry, watermelon, and strawberry. They loved them, I don’t even think they could tell the difference that there was no sugar in them. I love ring pops because the kids can put them on their fingers instead of having to worry about them running around with a stick in their mouth.

You can find Sugar Free Ring Pops at sores nationwide, including Walmart and

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, A product was provided for my review. All opinions are my own.

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