Get Outdoors and Explore with Backyard Safari

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The Expedition Three kit features the Backyard Safari Base Camp Field Shelter.  It features storage spaces for all your Essential Field Gears. Over 40 inches tall, it’s large enough for several backyard safari kids to set up their own instant base camp in the field, all year round.
We were able to have some fun outdoor (pretend)  camping and hiking fun. We received a base tent with lantern, a camoflauge net, walking stick and magnifying glass. My kids were so excited to get these. They immediately got a pad of paper out and started their field journals. They used the magnifying glass to spot small insects, and would hide in the tent to wait for squirels. The walking stick is great for hiking around but it’s a little big for them to use. They actually try to use it more for a hitting stick than walking stick.  Everything is very durable, and the tent is also waterproof, it seems to rain whenever I set it up.
Visit to find your fun gear.
Base Tent is available through Amazon for $39.99
Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, products were received from Backyard Safari through Team Mom.
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One thought on “Get Outdoors and Explore with Backyard Safari

  1. I had to laugh at ‘hitting stick’ rather than hiking stick- such are kids 🙂 It looks like a really fun thing for small children to play in and a way for them to see whats in their own backyard!

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