Aquadoodle Floor Mat and Penguin

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Creativity has never been this clean! Kids everywhere are having mess free fun because of Aquadoodle! The no mess, chemical free drawing toy that never runs out! Just add water and doodle over and over again. Watch the designs disappear in minutes for a clean doodle surface.

New for Fall, kids have an all new way to express their creativity- with color! With 4 new exciting colors to choose from you can Aquadoodle in red, blue, green and purple. With all new fabric boards for soft play, you can let your child’s imagination run free with the never ending, no mess Aquadoodle!

Choose a bear, dog or penguin and bring these lovable characters to life. Just add water and doodle over and over again, as the colorful designs disappear in minutes for a clean doodle surface. Aquadoodle is a mess free, creative and fun experience for your pre-schooler!

****Both of these Aquadoodle products are so much fun. My kids love to draw, but they waste so much paper and I run out of places to put their drawings. The Aquadoodle classic mat and penguin were the perfect solution, my kids can draw and draw. No wasting paper, no mess and they have so much fun doing it. The Aquadoodle mat has been out for a while, but this new mat lets you draw in 4 different colors, Blue, purple, green, and red. You can only have that color in a certain square though, the mat is dived up by 4 colors, where the purple border is you can color purple etc.    My daughter loves the doodle buddy (Penguin), she cuddles up with it at night and draws on it during the day. The only downside with the doodle buddies, is when you draw, it doesn’t dry very well. There is still a faint picture.

Retail: Mat is $21.99 and Doodle buddy is $9.99

Available in August 2011, visit for more information..

Disclosure:  No compensation was received for this post, Products were provided by the company. All opinions are my own.

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2 thoughts on “Aquadoodle Floor Mat and Penguin

  1. I really like toys like this for kids- something to spark creativity and use their imagination! Great review!

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