Back To School with Scunci Bendini and Softlips Giveaway Closed

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School is right around the corner and having two girls, I want them to look there best.   Which for my oldest means having her hair up or styled, She likes to twirl her hair until it knots.

I was recently introduced to Scunci Bendini, and I though it was a great way to add a little sparkle and flair to any little girls back to school list.

all you need t do is slide and snap, it’s that simple with Bendini. My kids enjoyed these and I have to say they were so adorable, you can bet I will be doing their hair like this very often.  I was surprised at how well it actually holds hair, my kids always go play outside and comeback with chunks of hair out of there ponytails. With the Bendini there was some hair that fell out but not as much as usual.

My other daughter with a different style of Bendini

You can find the Bendini at retailers nationwide for around $4.99

Don’t forget to enter Scunci’s monthly giveaways at

Another company I love during the school year is Softlips. My daughters get really chapped lips during the winter, I mean it gets so bad you can see her lips a mile away.


Softlips provides conditioning for smoother softer lips, and protects from harmful UV rays.

*** I was able to try 5 of the awesome flavors they have Cherry, Rasberry, Strawberry, Mint and Wildberry.   Out of all 5 I would have to say my favorite is Cherry! I love the way it makes my lips feel, smell and look.

Softlips retail for $2.99 at all retailers.

I have a Scunci/Softlips prize pack to giveaway to one US reader.

To enter tell me your must have back to school product?

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Contest closes 9/30

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, Products were provided by the company.

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