Back To School with Dinosaur Train

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We are preparing For Kindergarten again this year, as my middle child will now be entering Kindergarten.  I am a little nervous since my daughter has never been to preschool or anything, and she is very shy.

Dinosaur Train and Henson has passed along some tips to help get ready for Kindergarten.

  • Practice Reading and Speaking- go over the alphabet with your child, letter sounds and more.
  • Learn about Color- teach about primary colors and what colors make when you mix them together.
  • Develop Fine Motor Skills- work with your child on cutting, buttoning zipping, and more to prepare them for being on their own in school.
  • Practice Gross Motor Skills- running,  jumping will help get them ready for play, and throwing the ball can help with getting ready for physical education.

Dinosaur Train is introducing lots of products  to get your child excited about school like books, color wonder sets, Megabloks, and my favorite Dinosaur Train outfits.

We received a Dinosaur Train outfit to review. It was so adorable on my son. The outfit comes with shorts and a short sleeve top featuring Buddy. It also came with a buttoned up shirt, for those casual affairs. LOL! Unfortunately my son hates button down shirts, i am not sure why but every time I put them on him, he rips them off. He agreed to wear the Dinosaur Train shirt for a little while though.

I actually really like the regular outfit with no button down shirt, It makes him look like an outdoors man.

You can find these outfits at Kohls and Kmart this August and September.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, products were provided by the company. All thoughts are my own.

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One thought on “Back To School with Dinosaur Train

  1. He is adorable! What is it with boys and button downs? They look so cute with them on but they detest them.
    Very cute outfits, and something they would wear.
    Nice review!

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