Holiday Gift Guide: Strawberry Shortcake Twirling Flower Fashion Doll

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Strawberry Shortcake - Twirling Flower Fashions Doll



Create fashion “magic” with your sweet-smelling Strawberry Shortcake figure! Put your stylish red-haired friend on her flower stage and start the spinning action. While she’s twirling, spray water from her flower spritzer and a design will “magically” appear on her skirt! Are you two ready to create a new look? Put on her other color-change skirt or just wait for the first one to dry and then use your flower spritzer to create another new design!

****My daughter absolutely loves Strawberry Shortcake, she even kind of looks like her. LOL! This doll makes playing with strawberry so much fun, just fill up the rose with water and spray Strawberry’s dress and watch it change colors. The flower was a little hard to get off and on the stem. It seemed that when i finally got it back o most of the water had dripped out. My daughter still had fun with this toy.

Retail: 19.99 at Hasbro Toy Shop

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for my review. All opinions are my own.

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